3 Lessons Learned from Quitting My Job

This is what happens when you quit your job and how to take advantage of it

4 min readDec 7, 2020
Photo by Aditya Saxena on Unsplash

Thoughts leading to the decision to quit

I haven’t written in Medium for a while. But I am back! Boy, do I have a lot to share from my lessons learned! I quit my job and my last day was October 26th, 2020. I went through many emotions, of course. As I was deciding to quit, all I could think about was the large amount of freedom I was about to have.

I kept asking myself, if I didn’t have this job, what would I do for 40 hours a week?

What happened after I quit

After I quit, I celebrated. I bought myself a Halloween cake and bought 4 different color notebooks. I thought that, with all this freedom, I could become an entrepreneur, a writer, a YouTuber, and/or an influencer.

Picture of me in front of my Halloween and Freedom cake. I was celebrating having quit my job and embarking on a journey of self-discovery and entrepreneurial spirit.

3 Lessons Learned

Lesson Learned #1- Open your mind




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